A Sparse Table Implementation of Sorted Lists

We study a sorted list, a data structure containing records {Ri}, each uniquely identified by a key {k(Ri)} which supports the operations Search (,k), Insert(,k) and Delete(,k) to search, insert and delete a record R with key k. For the efficiency of Search(,k), records are stored with their keys in sorted order. Insertion then generally requires shifting entries in the structure to make room for the record to be inserted. To improve the efficiency of Insert(,k), records are stored in a circular buffer with ''gaps" which is expanded and contracted during a sequence of insertions and deletions depending upon the current number of keys in . We assess in this paper the amount of work required to insert a sequence of records.

By: Alon Itai, Alan G. Konheim, Michael Rodeh

Published in: RC9146 in 1981


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